Monday, November 07, 2005

How would she feel? HOW?!!

how would a little girl feel if a classmate came on to her and physically manhandled her just because he can?

how would a little girl feel if she is constantly being degradingly stared at and humiliated by the boys in her class just beacuse she is developing physically faster than the girls in her fourth grade class?

how would she feel if she found out that the reason the little boys were acting that way towards her was because they thought she was a special child who just transferred to their school to get special attention? and thus special meant they could get away with it..

how would the little girl aged 9 feel after repeatedly being cornered into an empty classroom by two or three boys to touch her breasts in exchange for the answer to the new assignment which she knows nothing about?

what would she do if there were no adults to tell and if there were they were too busy with the politics amongst themselves to even care?

what if she had been brought up to submit completely to what others tell her to do?

what if all the personal insights and thoughts she had since childhood was constantly being shot down by the people she trusted and thought were her mentors?

would she have the courage to break away?

would she forget the times she told her tale but no one listened?

would she even care to tell it again?

would she have a chance at forgiving or would she retreat to a corner and create for herself an invisible wall to keep the 'intruder' out of her private space?

can she even learn to trust again after the friends she had known simply shrugged off her tale that she had been violated?

and what if she grew to be successful?

would anybody consider it a regrettable incident that she had been molested not by someone older than her but by kids her age when she was young?

or would they consider it fortunate because after all the incident became a "challenge" to her?

would people simply consider it child's play even though the girl never forgot the incident and became frigid eventually in life?

pray tell me just how would she feel?!