Sunday, December 17, 2006
the stupid (but true) color quiz i took says
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
you have bewitched it to bend to your every bid
i am stupefied and wrapped in invisible cords
unnable to find the will to stir a muscle and break free
away i must go, away i must fly
it seemed at one time i won my heart back in a battle
but you smiled as if it were you who were victorious
when we threw our swords in truce, i knew
the battle was won but it was i who lost
away i go, away i fly
an antidote i ought to find, a cure of some kind
your potent potion has left me unnerved, unsure
i sway as leaves on branches do when called by the wind
and there is nothing i can do, nothing more i can say so..
away i go, away i fly ..
to you...
Friday, November 17, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Meg's Top 10s
1. ... she has her hair down
2. ... she has no glasses on
3. ... she lets her guard down
4. ... she smiles and laughs a lot
5. ... she sings
6. ... she wears make up
7. ... she's at home cooking
8. ... she wears clothes she only wears to the beach
9. ... she flirts with her brain and mouth
10. ...she allows her sense of humor to conquer the world (or at least her world)
Meg likes:
1. hugs
2. movies
3. to talk
4. to be written to and about
5. to be sung to
6 to be cuddled and to cuddle
7. to be told she did a good job
8. pictures! taking them and being the subject of em
9. funny quotes, romantic stories and poems
10. fairytales
Meg worries:
1. finances
2. family's health
3 her job and how she's doin at it
4. meeting expectations (of self and of others)
5. her future
6. plagues and world crises
7. about her place under the sun
8. finding the man God intended for her
9. her friends and their welfare
10. life in general
Meg is inspired by:
1. Marilou Gallo, Mother extraordinaire
2. Oprah Winfrey, talk show queen
3. Jessica Soho, Peabody winner
4. Maria Ressa, CNN Jakarta Bureau Chief, ABS-CBN Head for News and Current Affairs
5. Christianne Amanpour, CNN Chief International Correspondent
6. Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales
7. Jeanie Derillo, Mass Comm Professor
8. Kristie Lou Stout, CNN Hong Kong Anchor
9. Eyzell Claro- Balbuena, 6th Grade to High School English Teacher
10. Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo, Philippine President
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
what have i done with my life?
B. Highlight the things that are true about you.
C. Whatever you don't touch is false.
01. When I was younger I made some bad decisions
02. I don't watch much TV these days
03. I love psychedelic mushrooms
04. I love sleeping
05. I have loads of books
06. I once slept in a bathroom
07. I love playing video games
08. I adore marijuana
09. I watch porn movies
10. I watch them with my father
11. I like sharks
12. I love spiders
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair
14. I like George Bush
15. I am cool
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year
17. I have a Jacuzzi and a Porsche
18. I have a lot to learn
19. I carry my knife everywhere
20. I can be really really smart
21. I've never broken someone's bones
22. I have a secret
23. I hate snow
25. Punk rock rules
26. I hate Bill Gates!
27. I love Chinese food
28. I would hate to be famous
29. I am so not a morning person
30. I wear glasses
31. I don't need glasses, except sunglasses
32. I have potential
33. I'm pure Japanese
34. My legs are two different sizes
35. I have a twin (!)
36. I wear a padded bra sometimes
37. I can ramble on about absolutely nothing
38. I'm left-handed
39. I hate llamas, but I'm one of them
40. I don't like horror movies
41. I suck at climbing, but I love it anyway
42. People hate me usually
43. I love pop music
44. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight
45. I hate parking fines
46. I know the national anthem of my country by heart
47. I know more than two languages
48. I can spend too much time on the computer
49. I often want to throw out the computer in a window
50. I live on a ground floor
51. I don't like chocolate
52. I'd like to be more original
53. I've lied
54. Cocks are my favorite birds
55. I want to conquer the world
56. I wonder what happens when I die
57. I've read all books about Harry Potter and watched all the movies too
58. I love my dog!
59. I love to exercise
60. I hate chemistry with a passion and math, too!
61. I love to write but I wish I could be as interesting as some people
62. I like changes
63. I hate going to class
64. I am afraid to die
65. I hate dish washing with a passion!
66. My hair is long and incredibly curly
67. My nails are nine inch long
68. My favorite color is black
69. I like to sleep on the floor
70. I am hopeless at cooking
71. I sucked my thumb when I was little
72. I should be doing something else rather than doing this
73. I am online a lot
74. I hate government
75. I don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend
76. I'm too nice for my own good
77. I love to read, I read as much as I can
78. I don't trust newspapers
79. I like debating
80. I live in a wagon
81. I clean my room once a month
82. I'm scared of American fast food
83. I have a third eye
84. I love the beach
85. I don't trust any religion
86. I used to play with Barbies only because all the other girls were doing it
87. I wanted to be a super hero when I was little
88. I like listening to wind chimes
89. I'm very disorganized
90. My hair is long and straight
91. I earn a lot
92. I don't like spicy food
93. I keep a diary
94. I can't do cartwheels
95. I can be very lazy
96. I'm sarcastic more often than not
97. I think my hair can be annoying
98. I could be sensitive
99. I love being "ab-normal
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
![]() You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
astig ang maging Pinoy at magpilit mag Ingles
> > "All of a suddenly..."
> > "C'mon! Let's get it on with it!"
> > "When it rains, it's four."
> > "Thanks God!"
> > "The nerves!" or "The nerd!"
> > "The idea crossed at the back of my mind."
> > "(name of person), eat your hat out!"
> > "This is our rooster of clients..."
> > "The more the many-er."
> > "It's a no-win-win situation."
> > "Burn the bridge when you get there."
> > "Anulled and void."
> > "Mute and academic."
> > "C'mon let's join us!"
> > "If worse comes to shove."
> > "Are you joking my leg?"
> > "It's not my problem anymore, it's your problem anymore."
> > "What are friends are for?"
> > "You can never can tell."
> > "Well well well. Look do we have here!"
> > "Let's give them a big hand of applause."
> > "Been there, been that."
> > "Forget it about it."
> > "Give him the benefit of the daw."
> > "It's a blessing in the sky."
> > "Right there and right then."
> > "Where'd you came from?"
> > "Take things first at a time."
> > "You're barking at the wrong dog."
> > "You want to have your cake and bake it too."
> > "First and for all"
> > "Now and there."
> > "I'm only human nature."
> > "The sky's the langit."
> > "That's what I'm talking about it."
> > "One of these days is not like the other."
> > "So far, so good, so far."
> > "Time is of the elements."
> > "In the wink of an eye."
> > "The feeling is actual."
> > "For all intense and purposes."
> > "I ran into some errands."
> > "Hi. I'm (state your name), what's yours?"
> > "What is the world is coming to?"
> > "What is the next that is?"
> > "Get the most of both worlds."
> > "Bahala na sila sa mga batman nila."
> > "Whatever you say so."
> > "Base-to-base casis."
> > "My answers have been prayered."
> > "Please me alone!"
> > "It's as brand as new."
> > "So... what's a beautiful girl like you?...."
> > "I can't take it anymore of this!"
> > "Are you sure ka na ba?"
> > "Can't you just cut me some slacks?"
> > "I couldn't care a damn!"
> > "what's your next class before this?"
> > "nothing in this world is perfect except the word
> > change."
> > "Can you repeat that for the second timearound once more from the top?(ulitin natin hanggang mamatay tayo.)
> > "my dad brought home a lot of hand-me-downs!" (translation:daming pasalubong ng tatay ko)
> > "standard & chartered bank"
> > "I'm very iterated! (translation:galit sya!)
> > "I'm sorry, my boss just passed away." (translation: kakadaan lan ng boss nya.)
> > "Hello, my boss is out of town, would you liketo wait?"
> > "What happened after the erection of mayon volcano?"
> > "Don't touch me not!"
> > "Hello,.. for a while, please hang yourself..."
> > "It's spilled milk under the bridge."
> > "Don't change anything! keep it at ease."
> > "Hello mcdo, magiinquire lang ako kung magkano ang kidney meal?"
> > "Out of fit ako these days e..."
> > "Bring down the house down!"
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Mythological Dieties
APOLLO- God of wisdom, music, poetry and medicine – Greek and Roman
ARES- God of war – Greek and Roman
AEOLUS- God of winds - Greek and Roman
AESIR- Principle God of Norse Mythology
AMMON- Ancient Egyptian God – Identified by Greek and Romans with ZEUS
AMON- Ancient Egyptian Deity – later on identified Sun God
AMPHITRITE- Goddess of the sea - Greek and Roman
ARANYANI- Goddess of forests – Hindu
ARTEMIS- Goddess of Moon and Hunting - Greek and Roman – Apollo's twin sister
ASCLEPIUS- God of healing - Greek and Roman
ASGARD- Home of the Gods – Norse
ASHTORETH- Goddess of love and Fertility – Syria
ASHURE- God of War and Empire (ASSYRIA)
ASTARTE-Goddess of fertility and sexual love –(Semetic)
ATE-Goddess personifying criminal folly or reckless ambition - Greek and Roman
ATHENA- Goddess of Wisdom, skills and warfare - Greek and Roman
ATLAS- Titan – Titan holding the heavens on his shoulders - Greek and Roman
AURORA- Goddess of Dawn – Roman
BACHUS- God of wine revelry (Ancient Greek and Roman)
BOREAS- God of the North Wind - Greek and Roman
CHANDRA- God of Moon – Moon God – Hindu
CERES- Goddess of agriculture and Goddess of Corn (Rome)
CRONUS- God of Agriculture - Greek and Roman
CUPID- God of love – Son of Venus – Rome
CYNTHIA- Goddess of Moon
THEMETER- Goddess of agriculture- Greek and Roman
DIANA- Virgin Goddess of moon and Godess of hunting – Roman
DIONYSUS- God of Wine and revelry - Greek and Roman (Bacchus)
DIS- God of the lower world
DOLORES- Goddess of sorrow- Greek and Roman
EOS- Goddess of dawn - Greek and Roman
ERIS- Goddess of strife and discord - Greek and Roman
EROS-God of Love - Greek and Roman
FLORA- Goddess of Flowers - Roman
GAEA-Goddess Earth - Greek and Roman
GRACES-the Three sister Goddesses who control pleasure, charm Elegance and Beauty in human life and in Nature - Greek and Roman
HANUMAN-Monkey God – Hindu
HEBE-Goddess of youth – Goddess who serves nectar - Greek and Roman
HECATE-Goddess of Moon, Earth and Underworld later regarded as the Goddess of Sorcery.
HELIOS-Sun God - Greek and Roman
HEPHAESTUS-God of Fire and Forge - Greek and Roman
HERA-Wife of Zeus - Goddess of Marriage - Greek and Roman
HERCULES-God of Strength - Son of Zeus - Greek and Roman
HERMES-A god who served as messenger of other Gods - Greek and Roman
HYMEN-God of Marriage - Greek and Roman
HESTIA-Goddess of Hearth and Chief Goddess of domestic activity - Greek and Roman
IDA-Goddess of Youth - Old German
INDRA-God of rain, thunder lightening and war – Hindu
ISHTAR-Goddess of love and fertility – Baylonian
ISIS-Goddess of fertility – Egyptian
JANUS-God who was guardian of portals and patron of beginnings and endings. His head is shown with two faces- one in the front and one at the back- Roman
JUNO-Wife of Jupiter - Queen of Gods and Goddesses of marriages –Roman
JUPITER-Chief Roman God identified with Greek God Zeus
KAMA-God of love - Hindu
KARTHIKEYA- God of war – Hindu
LAKSHMI-Goddess of wealth - Hindu
MARA-God of death – Buddhist
MARUTH-God of storms - Hindu
LUNA-Goddess of Moon – Roman
MARS-God of War – Roman
MERCURY-God of Commerce, manual skill, eloquence, and cleverness – Roman
MORPHEUS-God of Dreams - Greek and Roman
MUSE-Any of nine Goddesses of literature, arts and sciences – Greek and Roman
NEMESIS-God of retribution or vengeance - Greek and Roman
NEPTUNE-God of the sea - Roman
NEREUS-Benevolent sea God - Greek and Roman
NIKE-Goddess of victory
NORSE-Any of the three Goddessess of fate.
NYMPH-Any one of the group of minor Goddesses - Greek and Roman
NYX-Goddess of night - Greek and Romans
ODIN-(Norse) –The chief God
OLYMPIAN-Any of the Gods on Mount Olympus
ORMAZD-The Supreme Deity and the Creator of the world. (Zores)
OSIRIS-Ancient Egyptian God of the Lower world
PALLAS-Goddess of wisdom- Greek and Roman
PAN-Goddess of fields - Greek and Roman
PENANTES-The household Gods of the Romans.
PERSOPHONE-Roman Goddess
PHOEBUS-God of Wisdom- Greek and Roman
POSEIDON-God of sea- Greek and Roman
PRIAPUS-God of procreative power –male- Greek and Roman
PROSERPINE-Greek Goddess
PROTEUS-The sea God who can change His own form at his will - Greek and Roman
PSYCHE-Wife of Lord Cupid- Greek and Roman
RA-Sun God and Chief God of ancient Egyptians usually depicted as having the head of a hawk
SARASWATI-Goddess of learning- Hindu
SATURN-God of Agriculture- Roman
THE METER-Goddess of agriculture- Greek and Roman
THETIS-A Sea Goddess
VENUS-Goddess of love and beauty-Roman
VESTA-Goddess of fire- Roman
ZEPHYRUS-Greek God of the West Winds.
Monday, July 24, 2006
teachers do cry
I dont know if there is some code for teachers never to show their tears. But i am glad they kept things that way.
Today, my student of three months, Yoon So Hee (Lisa) cancelled her class with me. She is one of my favorite students because she's always ready for a class.
about 10 minutes before my class with Lisa, my manager came to me to alter my schedule since according to her the parents are having problems keeping up with the payments for an ESL class.
This is my first teaching job. i have had students who cancelled for various reasons before- some were too busy to continue, some went off to study in other countries, and some had money problems too. Despite their absence i have been able to continue teaching the other students with out much problems.
But Lisa is different. she has grown on me. we have had many a class with funny and challenging moments. she likes being challenged and when i play real stupid she laughs and understands what im doing with her.. she still answers my questions and tries her best to compose good sentences.
i still called her today though. i called her to say good bye. i told her to continue studying English and to use what she learned from me for as long as she can. i told her good bye and take care and that i was sad to be calling her for the last time. she then said the most beautiful sentence she's ever uttered- "Thank You, teacher." i put down the phone and cried.
i sincerely hope i was able to impart the better part of me to her. i'll surely miss her.
Cheers to you Lisa!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
wish on a tiara

trample on my heart, you do
a bad habit you're used to
pick my heart up, toy with it
a madman who wouldnt quit
round and round i spin for you
at the ready for your cue
pupetmaster hear me cry
enough now! let me just die!
how else would you know the truth?
you stole a portion of my youth
insufferable! insensitive! insignificant fool!
i, i who love and love so deeply
you treat as if a tool.
i wear a tiara to make me feel
at least once in life i can take the wheel
Monday, July 17, 2006
with time at a stand still and you so close to me
the world and all its nonsensical issues fade away
all i hear is your voice, your insights, your genius
long has it been since i found a more interesting being
and now that you're here, i've stopped craving for love
for what is love but an expectation?
It is nothing more than a desperate call to end loneliness
i dont love you- i feel more than love for you
i feel overwhelmed when you are around
my heart skips whole beats, my tongue goes on permanent vacation
there is nothing i want to do but stare into your deep brown eyes
would you cringe if i by impulse pull you to an embrace?
or would you be a dreamlover and let me burrow deeper?
I know for a fact you will not stay
the hour glass fills and i dread the day you walk out that door
in the short time we've been together
you have carved yourself into me
so much so that nota moment passes that you dont fill my mind
i crave, long, need you!
If its worth your while, would you stay? for me?
costume party!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
proud to be pinoy
FROM the 1896 Revolution to the first Philippine Republic, the Commonwealth period, the EDSA Revolt, and the tiger cub economy, history marches on. Thankfully, however, some things never change. Like the classics, things irresistibly Pinoy mark us for life. They're the indelible stamp of our identity, the undeniable affinity that binds us like twins. They celebrate the good in us, the best of our culture and the infinite possibilities we are all capable of. Some are so self-explanatory you only need mention them for fellow Pinoys to swoon or drool. Here, from all over this Centennial-crazed country and in no particular order, are a hundred of the best things that make us unmistakably Pinoy.
Merienda. Where else is it normal to eat five times a day?
Sawsawan. Assorted sauces that guarantee freedom of choice, enough room for experimentation and maximum tolerance for diverse tastes. Favorites: toyo't calamansi, suka at sili, patis.
Kuwan, ano. At a loss for words? Try these and marvel at how Pinoys understand exactly what you want.
Pinoy humor and irreverence. If you're api and you know it, crack a joke. Nothing personal, really.
Tingi. Thank goodness for small entrepreneurs. Where else can we buy cigarettes, soap, condiments and life's essentials in small affordable amounts?
Spirituality. Even before the Spaniards came, ethnic tribes had their own anitos, bathalas and assorted deities, pointing to a strong relationship with the Creator, who or whatever it may be.
Po, opo, mano po. Speech suffixes that define courtesy, deference, filial respect--a balm to the spirit in these aggressive times.
Pasalubong. Our way of sharing the vicarious thrills and delights of a trip, and a wonderful excuse to shop without the customary guilt.
Beaches! With 7,000 plus islands, we have miles and miles of shoreline piled high with fine white sand, lapped by warm waters, and nibbled by exotic tropical fish. From the stormy seas of Batanes to the emerald isles of Palawan--over here, life is truly a beach.
Bagoong. Darkly mysterious, this smelly fish or shrimp paste typifies the underlying theme of most ethnic foods: disgustingly unhygienic, unbearably stinky and simply irresistible.
Bayanihan. Yes, the internationally-renowned dance company, but also this habit of pitching in still common in small communities. Just have that cold beer and some pulutan ready for the troops.
The Balikbayan box. Another way of sharing life's bounty, no matter if it seems like we're fleeing Pol Pot every time we head home from anywhere in the globe. The most wonderful part is that, more often than not, the contents are carted home to be distributed.
Pilipino komiks. Not to mention "Hiwaga," "Aliwan," "Tagalog Classics," "Liwayway" and"Bulaklak" magazines. Pulpy publications that gave us Darna, Facifica Falayfay, Lagalag, Kulafu, Kenkoy, Dyesebel, characters of a time both innocent and worldly.
Folk songs. They come unbidden and spring, full blown, like a second language, at the slightest nudge from the too-loud stereo of a passing jeepney or tricycle.
Fiesta. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow is just another day, shrugs the poor man who, once a year, honors a patron saint with this sumptuous, no-holds-barred spread. It's a Pinoy celebration at its pious and riotous best.
Aswang, manananggal, kapre. The whole underworld of Filipino lower mythology recalls our uniquely bizarre childhood, that is, before political correctness kicked in. Still, their rich adventures pepper our storytelling.
Jeepneys. Colorful, fast, reckless, a vehicle of postwar Pinoy ingenuity, this Everyman's communal cadillac makes for a cheap, interesting ride. If the driver's a daredevil (as they usually are), hang on to your seat.
Dinuguan. Blood stew, a bloodcurdling idea, until you try it with puto. Best when mined with jalape? peppers. Messy but delicious.
Santacruzan. More than just a beauty contest, this one has religious overtones, a tableau of St. Helena's and Constantine's search for the Cross that seamlessly blends piety, pageantry and ritual. Plus, it's the perfect excuse to show off the prettiest ladies--and the most beautiful gowns.
Balut. Unhatched duck's embryo, another unspeakable ethnic food to outsiders, but oh, to indulge in guilty pleasures! Sprinkle some salt and suck out that soup, with gusto.
Pakidala. A personalized door-to-door remittance and delivery system for overseas Filipino workers who don't trust the banking system, and who expect a family update from the courier, as well.
Choc-nut. Crumbly peanut chocolate bars that defined childhood ecstasy before M & M's and Hershey's.
Kamayan style. To eat with one's hand and eschew spoon, fork and table manners--ah, heaven.
Chicharon. Pork, fish or chicken crackling. There is in the crunch a hint of the extravagant, the decadent and the pedestrian. Perfect with vinegar, sublime with beer.
Pinoy hospitality. Just about everyone gets a hearty "Kain tayo!" invitation to break bread with whoever has food to share, no matter how skimpy or austere it is.
Adobo, kare-kare, sinigang and other lutong bahay stuff. Home-cooked meals that have the stamp of approval from several generations, who swear by closely-guarded cooking secrets and family recipes.
Lola Basyang. The voice one heard spinning tales over the radio, before movies and television curtailed imagination and defined grown-up tastes.
Pambahay. Home is where one can let it all hang out, where clothes do not make a man or woman but rather define their level of comfort.
Tricycle and trisikad, the poor Pinoy's taxicab that delivers you at your doorstep for as little as PHPesos3.00, with a complimentary dusting of polluted air.
Dirty ice cream. Very Pinoy flavors that make up for the risk: munggo, langka, ube, mais, keso, macapuno. Plus there's the colorful cart that recalls jeepney art.
Yayas. The trusted Filipino nanny who, ironically, has become a major Philippine export as overseas contract workers. A good one is almost like a surrogate parent--if you don't mind the accent and the predilection for afternoon soap and movie stars.
Sarsi. Pinoy rootbeer, the enduring taste of childhood. Our grandfathers had them with an egg beaten in.
Pinoy fruits. Atis, guyabano, chesa, mabolo, lanzones, durian, langka, makopa, dalanghita, siniguelas, suha, chico, papaya, singkamas--the possibilities!
Filipino celebrities. Movie stars, broadcasters, beauty queens, public officials, all-around controversial figures: Aurora Pijuan, Cardinal Sin, Carlos P. Romulo, Charito Solis, Cory Aquino, Emilio Aguinaldo, the Eraserheads, Fidel V. Ramos, Francis Magalona, Gloria Diaz, Manuel L. Quezon, Margie Moran, Melanie Marquez, Ninoy Aquino, Nora Aunor, Pitoy Moreno, Ramon Magsysay, Richard Gomez, San Lorenzo Ruiz, Sharon Cuneta, Gemma Cruz, Erap, Tiya Dely, Mel and Jay, Gary V.
World class Pinoys who put us on the global map: Lea Salonga, Paeng Nepomuceno, Eugene Torre, Luisito Espinosa, Lydia de Vega-Mercado, Jocelyn Enriquez, Elma Muros, Onyok Velasco, Efren "Bata" Reyes, Lilia Calderon-Clemente, Loida Nicolas-Lewis, Josie Natori.
Pinoy tastes. A dietitian's nightmare: too sweet, too salty, too fatty, as in burong talangka, itlog na maalat, crab fat (aligue), bokayo, kutchinta, sapin-sapin, halo-halo, pastilyas, palitaw, pulburon, longganisa, tuyo, ensaymada, ube haleya, sweetened macapuno and garbanzos. Remember, we're the guys who put sugar (horrors) in our spaghetti sauce. Yum!
The sights. Banaue Rice Terraces, Boracay, Bohol's Chocolate Hills, Corregidor Island, Fort Santiago, the Hundred Islands, the Las Pi?s Bamboo Organ, Rizal Park, Mt. Banahaw, Mayon Volcano, Taal Volcano. A land of contrasts and ever-changing landscapes.
Gayuma, agimat and anting-anting. Love potions and amulets. How the socially-disadvantaged Pinoy copes.
Barangay Ginebra, Jaworski, PBA, MBA and basketball. How the verticaly-challenged Pinoy compensates, via a national sports obsession that reduces fans to tears and fistfights.
People Power at EDSA. When everyone became a hero and changed Philippine history overnight.
San Miguel Beer and pulutan. "Isa pa nga!" and the Philippines' most popular, world-renowned beer goes well with peanuts, corniks, tapa, chicharon, usa, barbecue, sisig, and all manner of spicy, crunchy and cholesterol-rich chasers.
Resiliency. We've survived 400 years of Spanish rule, the US bases, Marcos, the 1990 earthquake, lahar, lambada, Robin Padilla, and Tamagochi. We'll survive Erap.
Yoyo. Truly Filipino in origin, this hunting tool, weapon, toy and merchandising vehicle remains the best way to "walk the dog" and "rock the baby," using just a piece of string.
Pinoy games: Pabitin, palosebo, basagan ng palayok. A few basic rules make individual cunning and persistence a premium, and guarantee a good time for all.
Ninoy Aquino. For saying that "the Filipino is worth dying for,'' and proving it.
Balagtasan. The verbal joust that brings out rhyme, reason and passion on a public stage.
Tabo. All-powerful, ever-useful, hygienically-triumphant device to scoop water out of a bucket _ and help the true Pinoy answer nature's call. Helps maintain our famously stringent toilet habits.
Pandesal. Despite its shrinking size, still a good buy. Goes well with any filling, best when hot.
Jollibee. Truly Pinoy in taste and sensibility, and a corporate icon that we can be quite proud of. Do you know that it's invaded the Middle East, as well?
The butanding, the dolphins and other creatures in our blessed waters. They're Pinoys, too, and they're here to stay. Now if some folks would just stop turning them into daing.
Pakikisama. It's what makes people stay longer at parties, have another drink, join pals in sickness and health. You can get dead drunk and still make it home.
Sing-a-long. Filipinos love to sing, and thank God a lot of us do it well!
Kayumanggi. Neither pale nor dark, our skin tone is beautifully healthy, the color of a rich earth or a mahogany tree growing towards the sun.
Handwoven cloth and native weaves. Colorful, environment-friendly alternatives to polyester that feature skillful workmanship and a rich indigenous culture behind every thread. From the pinukpok of the north to the malong of the south, it's the fiber of who we are.
Movies. Still the cheapest form of entertainment, especially if you watch the same movie several times.
Bahala na. We cope with uncertainty by embracing it, and are thus enabled to play life by ear.
Papaitan. An offal stew flavored with bile, admittedly an acquired taste, but pointing to our national ability to acquire a taste for almost anything.
English. Whether carabao or Arr-neoww-accented, it doubles our chances in the global marketplace.
The Press. Irresponsible, sensational, often inaccurate, but still the liveliest in Asia. Otherwise, we'd all be glued to TV.
Divisoria. Smelly, crowded, a pickpocket's paradise, but you can get anything here, often at rock-bottom prices. The sensory overload is a bonus.
Barong Tagalog. Enables men to look formal and dignified without having to strangle themselves with a necktie. Worn well, it makes any ordinary Juan look marvelously makisig.
Filipinas. They make the best friends, lovers, wives. Too bad they can't say the same for Filipinos.
Filipinos. So maybe they're bolero and macho with an occasional streak of generic infidelity; they do know how to make a woman feel like one.
Catholicism. What fun would sin be without guilt? Jesus Christ is firmly planted on Philippine soil.
Dolphy. Our favorite, ultra-durable comedian gives the beleaguered Pinoy everyman an odd dignity, even in drag.
Style. Something we often prefer over substance. But every Filipino claims it as a birthright.
Bad taste. Clear plastic covers on the vinyl-upholstered sofa, posters of poker-playing dogs masquerading as art, overaccessorized jeepneys and altars--the list is endless, and wealth only seems to magnify it.
Mangoes. Crisp and tart, or lusciously ripe, they evoke memories of family outings and endless sunshine in a heart-shaped package.Mangoes. Crisp and tart, or lusciously ripe, they evoke memories of family outings and endless sunshine in a heart-shaped package.
Unbridled optimism. Why we rank so low on the suicide scale.
Street food: Barbecue, lugaw, banana-cue, fishballs, IUD (chicken entrails), adidas (chicken feet), warm taho. Forget hepatitis; here's cheap, tasty food with gritty ambience.
The siesta. Snoozing in the middle of the day is smart, not lazy.
Honorifics and courteous titles: Kuya, ate, diko, ditse, ineng, totoy, Ingkong, Aling, Mang, etc. No exact English translation, but these words connote respect, deference and the value placed on kinship.
Heroes and people who stood up for truth and freedom. Lapu-lapu started it all, and other heroes and revolutionaries followed: Diego Silang, Macario Sakay, Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Apolinario Mabini, Melchora Aquino, Gregorio del Pilar, Gabriela Silang, Miguel Malvar, Francisco Balagtas, Juan Luna, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Panday Pira, Emilio Jacinto, Raha Suliman, Antonio Luna, Gomburza, Emilio Aguinaldo, the heroes of Bataan and Corregidor, Pepe Diokno, Satur Ocampo, Dean Armando Malay, Evelio Javier, Ninoy Aquino, Lola Rosa and other comfort women who spoke up, honest cabbie Emilio Advincula, Rona Mahilum, the women lawyers who didn't let Jalosjos get away with rape.
Flora and fauna. The sea cow (dugong), the tarsier, calamian deer, bearcat, Philippine eagle, sampaguita, ilang-ilang, camia, pandan, the creatures that make our archipelago unique.
Pilipino songs, OPM and composers: "Ama Namin," "Lupang Hinirang," "Gaano Ko Ikaw Kamahal," "Ngayon at Kailanman," "Anak," "Handog,""Hindi Kita Malilimutan," "Ang Pasko ay Sumapit"; Ryan Cayabyab, George Canseco, Restie Umali, Levi Celerio, Manuel Francisco, Freddie Aguilar, and Florante--living examples of our musical gift.
Metro Aides. They started out as Imelda Marcos' groupies, but have gallantly proven their worth. Against all odds, they continuously prove that cleanliness is next to godliness--especially now that those darned candidates' posters have to be scraped off the face of Manila!
Sari-sari store. There's one in every corner, offering everything from bananas and floor wax to Band-Aid and bakya.
Philippine National Red Cross. PAWS. Caritas. Fund drives. They help us help each other.
Favorite TV shows through the years: "Tawag ng Tanghalan," "John and Marsha," "Champoy," "Ryan, Ryan Musikahan," "Kuwarta o Kahon," "Public Forum/Lives," "Student Canteen," "Eat Bulaga." In the age of inane variety shows, they have redeemed Philippine television.
Quirks of language that can drive crazy any tourist listening in: "Bababa ba?" "Bababa!"
"Sayang!" "Naman!" "Kadiri!" "Ano ba!?" "pala." Expressions that defy translation but wring out feelings genuinely Pinoy.
Cockfighting. Filipino men love it more than their wives (sometimes).
Dr. Jose Rizal. A category in himself. Hero, medicine man, genius, athlete, sculptor, fictionist, poet, essayist, husband, lover, samaritan, martyr. Truly someone to emulate and be proud of, anytime, anywhere.
Nora Aunor. Short, dark and homely-looking, she redefined our rigid concept of how leading ladies should look.
Noranian or Vilmanian. Defines the friendly rivalry between Ate Guy Aunor and Ate Vi Santos and for many years, the only way to be for many Filipino fans.
Filipino Christmas. The world's longest holiday season. A perfect excuse to mix our love for feasting, gift-giving and music and wrap it up with a touch of religion.
Relatives and kababayan abroad. The best refuge against loneliness, discrimination and confusion in a foreign place. Distant relatives and fellow Pinoys readily roll out the welcome mat even on the basis of a phone introduction or referral.
Festivals: Sinulog, Ati-atihan, Moriones. Sounds, colors, pagan frenzy and Christian overtones.
Folk dances. Tinikling, pandanggo sa ilaw, kari?sa, kuratsa, itik-itik, alitaptap, rigodon. All the right moves and a distinct rhythm.
Native wear and costumes. Baro't saya, tapis, terno, saya, salakot, bakya. Lovely form and ingenious function in the way we dress.
Sunday family gatherings. Or, close family ties that never get severed. You don't have to win the lotto or be a president to have 10,000 relatives. Everyone's family tree extends all over the archipelago, and it's at its best in times of crisis; notice how food, hostesses, money, and moral support materialize during a wake?
Calesa and karitela. The colorful and leisurely way to negotiate narrow streets when loaded down with a year's provisions.
Quality of life. Where else can an ordinary employee afford a stay-in helper, a yaya, unlimited movies, eat-all-you-can buffets, the latest fashion (Baclaran nga lang), even Viagra in the black market?
All Saints' Day. In honoring our dead, we also prove that we know how to live.
Handicrafts. Shellcraft, rattancraft, abaca novelties, woodcarvings, banig placemats and bags, bamboo windchimes, etc. Portable memories of home. Hindi lang pang-turista, pang-balikbayan pa!
Pinoy greens. Sitaw. Okra. Ampalaya. Gabi. Munggo. Dahon ng Sili. Kangkong. Luya. Talong. Sigarillas. Bataw. Patani. Lutong bahay will never be the same without them.
OCWs. The lengths (and miles) we'd go for a better life for our family, as proven by these modern-day heroes of the economy.
The Filipino artist. From Luna's magnificent "Spoliarium" and Amorsolo's sun-kissed ricefields, to Ang Kiukok's jarring abstractions and Borlongan's haunting ghosts, and everybody else in between. Hang a Filipino painting on your wall, and you're hanging one of Asia's best.
Tagalog soap operas. From "Gulong ng Palad" and "Flor de Luna" to today's incarnations like "Mula sa Puso"--they're the story of our lives, and we feel strongly for them, MariMar notwithstanding.
Midnight madness, weekends sales, bangketas and baratillos. It's retail therapy at its best, with Filipinos braving traffic, crowds, and human deluge to find a bargain.
Friday, May 05, 2006
survey on my blog too? why the heck not?
2. The sexiest item of clothing you own? --underwear i wont describe
3. Last person who pissed you off: -- initials? T.I-B
4. The weirdest thing you've ever heated in themicrowave: --fruit salad- sobrang tigas kasi ehimpatient ako kainin
5. How much Japanese can you speak? --nil
6. Do you look good in yellow? -- = sabi ng friend koyes other say mukha akong cory aquino
7. Do you sing? --why yes
8. Ever danced naked in front of a crowd? -- nevahthen nevah will
9. Do you spit? -- sa cr
10. Least favorite color? --i like all colors
12. Ever had Dippin' Dots? -- Yup!
13. Ever played an instrument? --yes
14. Ever had a massage? -- yes, c/o tita rose or jeje
15. Do you believe in Big Foot? -- nope
16. Ever been to a palm reader? -- yup..sayang langang sampung piso ko! (i was 10 and vulnerable)
17. Last Pez dispenser you had? - - ????
18. Had sex in your current car? -- none of yourbusiness you nosy you
19. Did you have a good weekend? - ngarag peromasaya
20. What are you thinking about right now? --i want to go on a vacation next week.
22. How is today going for you? -- alright i guess, it isafter all a friday and most fridays are good for me.
23. Any plans for tonight? -- im goin to work... haay
24. Have you ever had stitches? -- nope
26. If you could be anywhere right now wherewould you be? - - calmba laguna
27. Do you find Smurfette sexy? -- pwede! hehe
28. Current disappointment: -- sleep deprivation is onthe top of my list
29. Do you have an air freshener in your car? --no car here
30. Do you have plants in your room? --nope
31. If you could drink anything right this second,what would it be? -- cold coffee
32. Last piece of mail opened? --new york timesnews subscription
33. Does anything hurt on your body right now? --my back
34. What city was your last taxi cab ride in? --ortigas
35. Last thing you drank? -- water
36. If someone you hated died, would you laugh andspit on their grave? -- no, doing so would simplyacknowledge how big a hurt that person instilled in me. should that be the case i would be practicallywaving a white flag for that person succeeded in theplan to make me hate him/her
37. What do you want people to remember aboutyou when you die? -- that i was a person who neverbacked down from a challenge or turned back from afriend in need!!!!
39. What is your favourite drink at Starbucks? --mocha frappe
40. What’s your nick name? -- meg, meanne, ronnie,noodle, meggie, me, chicken
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Better Days
Better Days
Dianne Reeves
Silver gray hair neatly combed in place
There were four generations of love on her face
She was so wise, no surprise passed her eyes
She's seen it all
I was a child, oh, abouot three or four
All day I'd ask questions
At night I'd ask more
But whenever, she never, would ever turn me away
No, no oh woh
I'd say how can I be sure what is right or wrong
And why does what I want always take so long
Please tell me where does God live
And why won't He talk to me
I'd say Grandma what is love
Will I ever find out
Why are we so poor, what is life about
I wanna know the answers before I fall off to sleep
Woh hoh woh hoh
She saw the smile as she tucked me in
Then she pulled up that old rockin' chair once again
But tonight she was slightly, remarkably
Different somehow
Slowly she rocked lookin' half asleep
Grandma yawned as she stretched
Then she started to speak
What she told me, would mold me, and hold me
Together inside
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
She said all the things you ask
You will know someday
But you have got to live in a patient way
God put us here by fate
And by fate that means better days
She said, child we are all moons in the dark of night
Ain't no mornings gonna come 'til the time is right
Can't get no better days lest you make it through the night
You gotta make it through the night, yes you do
You can't get to no, better days
Unless you make it through the night (baby)
Oh hoh, you will see those better days
But you gotta be patient
Be patient, oh baby, be patient
Later that year at the turn of spring
Heaven snet angels down and gave Grandma her wings
Now, she's flyin', and slidin', and glidin'
In better days
And although I'm all grown up
I still get confused
I stumble through the dark
Getting bumped and bruised
When night gets in my way
I could still hear my Grandma say
I can hear her say
I can hear her sayin'
You can't get to no, better days
Unless you make it through the night (baby)
Oh hoh, you will see those better days
But you gotta be patient
Child, do you hear me, yeah
Well, well, well, well
You can't get to no, no better days
Unless you make it, you got to make it
You got to make it through the night
Oh Grandma, oh Grandma
Do you see me now, lady
Oh oh oh oh oh...
to depend or be depended on? that is the question
some of you who know me might think- c'mon meg, you're working in the media, you ought to be earning more than everybody else thinks. huh! yeah right. people in the media have a vow of poverty. at least some of us lowly ones do.
i guess the reason people feel as if media people earn a lot is because of the limelight we experience day in and day out. the world has a tendency to think of mel tiangco, korina sanchez, mike enriquez or some other big time media personality anytime tv is mentioned. and when people speak of radio, its always the chico and delamar or chinggay or the triggerman that people talk of. but for beginners in the biz like me. well let me just say the people working in the offices in ortigas and makati earn more than we do.
we could have survived soley on my pay at the radio station had we no have had to move into an aparment so suddenly. i found a heap but comfortable and clean apratment just within teh neighborhood ive always lived in so it was not much of a change. but anyway teh finances had to change otherwise we's be up to our necks in debt and would not knwo where to get teh money o pay it.
so i found myself a job teaching koreans how to speak better english on the telephone. it was convenient for the company was looking for an english teacher when i came in. and convenient for me too since it is about ten minutes away from the radio station.
so now i have to endure a 15 hour work day and 3 hour preparation and travel time to and fro. i get about 4 hours of sleep aday from monday to friday. do i mind? no. i can do this. and i will because i need to.
i refuse to make my mother work. she is 55 for crying out loud and the work she does at home is more than enough for her to handle. besides she has never in her life had to work. so why start now? i am able and willing and so i will do teh work.
i am hoping the finances will be better after payday on friday. because to speak truhfully i am scavenging every cenavo i have at teh moment to make me last until then. its stressing me out.
aside from the lack of sleep - when i do get o sleep i dream of people asking m to pay my debt even if in reality i already have.
sometimes i get to thinking im too young to worry about rent payments, or the grocery or the electric bill and the water bill and the numerous expenses at home. but what can i do? no one else can be relied on but me.
ive nw resigned myself to the idea. yes, this time around- its me the world depends on... haaay
Sunday, April 23, 2006
what is death again?
Death. To die. To expire. To pass on. To perish. To peg out. To push up daisies. To push up posies. To become extinct. Curtains, deceased, Demised, departed And defunct. Dead as a doornail. Dead as a herring. Dead as a mutton. Dead as nits. The last breath. Paying a debt to nature. The big sleep. God's way of saying, "Slow down."
Bill Davis: To check out.
Hunter Patch Adams: To shuffle off this mortal coil.
Bill Davis: To head for the happy hunting ground.
Hunter Patch Adams: To blink for an exceptionally long period of time.
Bill Davis: To find oneself without breath.
Hunter Patch Adams: To be the incredible decaying man.
Bill Davis: Worm buffet.
Hunter Patch Adams: Kick the bucket.
Bill Davis: Buy the farm.
Hunter Patch Adams: Take the cab.
Bill Davis: Cash in your chips
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
o sa mga lalaking manhid!
Number 10
She keeps glancing overAre her eyes aimed at you every time you look her way? And does she avert her gaze whenever you catch her staring? Then you might have a live here. If she doesn't prolong the eye contact, then she's probably shy and needs a little coaxing from you. Go up to her, introduce yourself, and get her talking. You know you're doing well when…
Number 9
She smiles at you.The smile is the ultimate sign of openness and friendliness, provided it is genuine. Many people force a smile when trying to be polite, but they tend to be fairly obvious about it. If she shows her teeth and has that sparkle in her eye, then you can deduce that she's enjoying your company. Your only job is to keep her smiling by smiling back.
Number 8
She goes out of her way to get you to notice her. If, on her way from point A to point B, she takes an unnecessary detour through point C (you), she might be trying to get your attention. For instance, if she walks by your table "on her way" to the washroom in a coffee shop, but your table is located at the opposite end of the restrooms, she is probably interested. Why else would she be taking the long way? If she smiles at you on her way, consider your job half done.
Number 7
She plays with her hair. Women's hair is a source of power and confidence to them -- why else would they get so devastated after a bad haircut? They tap into its power at key moments, subconsciously unleashing its seductive potential. If you see her twirling her finger through it or throwing it around, like in a shampoo commercial, then you have a potential flirt in your midst. This goes for body language in general. Some women like exposing their necks, prepping their clothes, or placing their arms in front of them in a way that their biceps push their breasts together, augmenting their cleavage. Some magazines tell women to let their shoes dangle at their toes, displaying the curvature of their feet, which men, apparently, associate with their other curves. However, if she's crossing her arms, it means she's distancing herself. Be alert.
Number 6
She initiates the conversation. Taking the first step to initiate a connection with you is a huge sign that she's interested. If she tells you something like "You remind me of someone I know," which begs a response and subsequent conversation, that's a concrete sign. During the conversation, she may further convey her interest by asking you open-ended questions -- watch out fellas, they're starting to use our own weapons against us! She might also whisper "secrets" to you, bringing your faces close together, perhaps letting you get a good whiff of her perfume.
Number 5
She laughs at your jokes. When you relate a funny story, does she throw her head back in riotous laughter or does she just look at you and say, "Is that supposed to be funny?" A big part of flirting involves reactions to the partner, so if she acts captivated by your words, you're in the green. Other reactions that convey approval include asking "really?", "wow" and opening her mouth in amused disbelief.
Number 4
She asks if you like certain activities. Does she ask you about your hobbies? Is she being more specific, and asking you if you like a particular pastime? Although she is not actually asking you for a date, it's an implied way of doing it. She could be leading up to asking you out or paving the ground for you to pop the question instead. If the activity in question is dancing, movies or dinner, then it is almost certain.
Number 3
She pays you a compliment.Women are sparse with compliments, so if she throws one your way, you can pat yourself on the back. This is especially good if it has to do with your physique, as this implies that she is attracted to you. Another way she may demonstrate her interest is by repeating your name, letting you know that you are memorable and establishing a closer, more intimate connection with her.
Number 2
She makes sexual comments. Some women like to put themselves in the mood by talking about things that turn them on. It brings out their frisky side. So if she steers the conversation to sexy topics, she could be trying to pull you into a flirting crescendo that might lead to a veritable verbal foreplay. Most times they will keep it understated and tasteful, so you should do the same. A crass slip-up is a sure-fire way to ruin the rapport.
Number 1
She touches you. When a woman breaks the contact barrier during a conversation, it is almost a sure sign that she's interested. It can be as obvious as touching your arm or knee while making a point, or as faint as having her knees come into contact with yours under the table. But you must make sure that she makes the first skin convergence. A less direct way is if she mirrors your body language, which is something women do subconsciously. When you lean in, she leans in. When you rest your elbows on the table, she does the same. Duplicating your actions is her way of showing you that she's "in-synch" with you.
flirt freely
Since some of the above signals could just be gestures of friendliness on a woman's part, you should count a minimum of four before you conclude that she is, indeed, flirting with you. If she commits five or more, your evening is set. So now you know the theory, but recognizing her signals on the spot takes time, especially when they're too subtle to be detected by the untrained eye. And though you should constantly be alert, don't get yourself into a state of tense vigilance, where you're looking for nothing else but the aforementioned signs. Keep cool, relax and enjoy yourself. In time, women's flirtation techniques will become as clear as traffic signals
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
what girls should never apologize for
1. Never apologize for pursuing what makes you happy. Even if you need to quit your job, transfer schools, or move across country, always do what you really want.
2. Never apologize for using proper English. Keeping it real doesn't mean > speaking Ebonics.
3. Never apologize for giving your best in a relationship that just didn't work out.
4. Never apologize for being successful. Only haters want to keep you at > their level.
5. Never apologize for crying. Wear waterproof mascara and express yourself.
6. Never apologize for ten pounds you need to lose. People who truly care > about you will accept you as you are.
7. Never apologize for being frugal. Just because you save your money instead of blowing it on the latest fashion emergency doesn't mean you're cheap.
8. Don't apologize for being a single mom. Babies are a blessing.
9. Never apologize for treating yourself to something special. Sometimes you have to show yourself some appreciation.
10. Never apologize for leaving an abusive relationship. Your safety should always be a priority.
11. Never apologize for keeping the ring even if wedding bells won't chime.
12. Never apologize for setting high standards in a relationship. You know what you can tolerate and what simply gets on your nerves.
13. Never apologize for saying NO.
14. Never apologize for asking for what you want in bed. If you don't, then > who will?
15. Never apologize for wearing a weave. You bought it so it's yours.
16. Never apologize to your new friends about old friends. There's a reason she's been your girl from day one.
17. Never apologize for ordering dessert. Or more than one dessert.
18. Never apologize for dating outside your race. Just because you found Mr. Right across the color line doesn't mean you don't love your brothas.
19 . Never apologize for not knowing how to cook. Even if you can't burn like Grandma you know how to order good take out.
20 . Never apologize for your taste in clothes. It's your style.
2 1 . Never apologize for changing your mind
22 . Never apologize for exercising your right to choose. It's your body and your right.
23. Never apologize for making more money than your man, you work hard and you deserve to get paid.
24. Never apologize for being you! "KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD"
Sunday, March 05, 2006
wane the pain
i will be loved for the traits i never knew
he will kiss the tears from my eyes when they fall
he will embrace the sadness right out of my soul
the love he'll make me feel will bridge oceans and plains
and it will never fade, never wane
someday someone's going to comeby and take me from this loneliness
and it will not be because we are just friends
i will be told i am the best for him
i cry and shout now for that love to come
for my strength not to be the reason
i am both desired and despised
i have all my heart to give
yet no one to give it to
try as i might to show how i feel
you just won't have me- why?
it just confirms the notion-
i am unimportant, at least to you
i'm turning away now, i hope you'll miss me
i've run out of excuses to see you anyway
but please know that you'll always be held with regard
in my heart as my one, my special, my baby- - - - - - -.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
alipin lyrics by shamrock

okay guys, due to insistent public demand!
for all those looking for the jeang geum and kapitan song
here it is!
Di ko man maamin
Ikaw ay mahalaga sa akin
Di ko man maisip
Sa pagtulog ikaw ang panaginip
Malabo man ang aking pag-iisip
Sana'y pakinggan mo ang sigaw nitong damdamin
ako'y alipin mo kahit hindi batid
aaminin ko minsan ako'y manhid
sana at iyong nariring
sayong yakap ako'y nasasabik...
Ayoko sa iba
Sayo ako ay hindi magsasawa
Ano man ang iyong sabihin
Umasa ka ito ay diringgin
Madalas man na parang aso't pusa
Giliw sa piling mo ako ay masaya
ako'y alipin mo kahit hindi batid
aaminin ko minsan ako'y manhid
sana at iyong nariring
sayong yakap ako'y nasasabik...
Pilit mang abutin ang mga tala
Basta't sa akin wag kang mawawala
Ako'y alipin mo kahit hindi batid
Aaminin ko minsan ako'y manhid
Sana ay iyong naririnig
Sayong yakap ako'y nasasabik
Pagkat ikaw lang ang nais makatabi
Malamig man o mainit ang gabi
Nais ko sana iparating na ikaw lamang
Ang siyang aking iibigin
Monday, February 13, 2006
pa-valentines naman!
*** this post is lifted from a bulletin post on friendster. there was no byline so im just trying to make it clear this is not my writing but i can REALLY relate to it... funny!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
re-issue: for valentine's day
By Elizabeth Barret-Browning
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints.
I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life;
and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death
Thursday, February 02, 2006
taekowndo jin deserves to keep her gold
for those not in the know, she tested positive of diuretics NOT performance enhancing drugs. doctors in the sports world say diuretics can be used to mask up steriods in the body. em- em tested negative of steroids beofre the SEAG. now the reason she had diuretics in her system was because she used kankunis a brand of herbal slimming tea weeks before the sea games. she used that to loose weight to make it to her class in the games with no intention at all of cheating. it was an honest mistake and will not make her any less of a champion. she won the gold fair and square against the indonesian. i saw the game myself. she deserves to keep that gold.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
read my news item and tell me what you think- because as sweet and aloof as my voice would seem on the air- i am actually INFURIATED with this development. read on please
lokohan yata to eh. maybe it really is time to scrap the senate and move on to a unicameral - parliamentary form of government.
Monday, January 16, 2006
the childish political opposition block
i guess they would rather take to the streets and cry their lungs out and get wet from water cannons rather than sit down in a diplomatic way and talk their differences with the administration out. it is becoming more and more apparent that they will only do something if they will be the the ones to call the shots.
take deposed president joseph estrada, who is not invited to the council of state meeting if i may clear, for example. he earlier said he will only attend the council if he were the one to preside. who the hell does he think he is?! he's being prosecuted for a capital offense (plunder) for crying out loud!
i also find it childish that the opposition block at the house of represenatatives' usual move to crucial meetings is to boycott them. do they actually think that by not appearing, the issues hounding the whole country will be resolved? what did they do at the height of the impeachment proceedings last year? they walked out of plenary and even threw documents in the air as they laughed heartily like it was all some joke. how do they expect the public to respect them much less follow the laws they pass if they themselves do not exude respectability?
over the weekend, the lakas ruling party held a national directorate meeting, where crucial steps for charter change were discussed. former president ramos, even if he is urging PGMA to resign next year and does not necessarily agree with all the things discussed, was there to hear it out. you may argue that he ought to be there for he is chairman emeritus of lakas. but you would have to give it to him for being a gentleman and facing those who oppose his proposals head on.
the senators also snubbed the lakas meeting last satuday. they gave up their chance to contest speaker jose de venecia's and the administration lawmakers at the house of representatives' proposals. then come monday, they cry out that they dont agree with the proposal of scrapping the senate if the charter is revised? where were they on saturday anyway?
when the proposed changes to the constitution are presented in a plebescite, possibly in the middle of the year, i hear there will be a question there that will ask the public if we agree that politicians who turn their back on their politcal party ought to be sanctioned. my answer to that is an outright YES. why? because, during the campaign period, the public heard them speak their minds out and their stand at that time was what won them a seat in government. now if i, as a voter, cannot rely on my candidate to stay put and defend what i believe in, then my vote will have been put to waste.
i, with my little understanding of the charter change intiative, at the moment agree with the proposal to change the form of government. and since the only way to do that is to make necessary changes in the 1987 constitution, i have a tendency to agree. we have been using the bicameral system, which we have found difficult when looking to enact laws. the presidential form of government meantime continues to leave the potentials of the other regions of this archipelago as last priority. if the opposition argues that we do not need to change the form of government- then why in the world cant we make the present system work?
with a federal form of government officials say it is hoped that we can do away with the manila-centric mentality and pave the way for our other cities and provinces to prosper. its sounds good to me. they say the only way to do that is by giving the local government leaders a direct hand at making reforms in their areas of reponsibility. i tend to agree.
however im caught undecided whether or not to support the WHOLE charter change intiative now that i have heard senator joker arroyo's side. he argues that the people will lose a direct hand in chosing the leader of the land- in the case of the federal form of government, the prime minister. the PM will be chosen by a select few. i have yet to find out who they will be.
it is not right that the media simply give tidbits about the pros and cons of the charter change initiative. beacause we ourselves do not always understand it all. this should be a matter made fully clear because number one its no laughing matter, changing the constitution and the form of government; two- it is going to cost millions in taxpayer money and three- it will affect the entire Philippines!
now if i, who am learned and even in the business of delivering the news am left confused with this whole mess, then what more the common filipino? i want to understand where this nation is heading and with the opposition not cooperating, they are only making matters worse! what we need is for these opposition people to grow up, face the music and tell us their side in full detail so that we can chose for ourselves which side to take. otherwise i am left to believe that the only reason they, except senator joker arroyo, are opposing the move is simply for the sake of opposing.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
tunes that soothe the soul
> So we’re okay, We’re fine, Baby I’m here to stop your crying, Chase all the ghosts from your head, I’m stronger than the monster beneath your bed, Smarter than the tricks played on your heart, We’ll look at them together then we’ll take them apart, Adding up the total of a love that’s true, Multiply life by the power of two.. POWER OF TWO By the Indigo Girls
- maybe its the enticing tune or perhaps its the sincerity in the lines that make this song so moving, i dont know...
> I remember we were driving driving in your car, The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk, City lights lay out before us, And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder, And I had a feeling that I belonged, And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone... FAST CAR By Tracy Chapman
- what can beat the feeling that no matter what you'd be safe as long as your with that special person? plus the fact that this person makes you fee you can be the best you can be and he'd be there to not only cheer you on but to trudge through the difficulties as well...
>how do you block the sound of a voice youd know anywhere ......Oh, I really should have known by the time you drove me home by the vagueness in your eyes casual good-byes by the chill in your embrace the expression on your face that told me you might have some advice to give on how to be do you free your soul after youve found a friend how do you teach your heart its a crime to fall in love again.... INSENSITIVE By Jan Arden -i took out some parts of the lines to emphasize the stronger points she had in the song. its quite true mind, how the mere whisper is distinguishable and the lightness of a touch lets you know how the other feels at any given moment.. like all lights are dim in the world but the spotlight rests solely on that one special person when he's near..damn im such a sucker for this song...
>Down an unknown road, To embrace my fate, Though the road may wander, It will lead me to you, And a thousand years, Would be worth the wait, It may take a lifetime, But somehow I'll see it through, And I won't look back, I can go the distance, And I'll stay on track, No I won't accept defeat, It's an uphill slope But I won't lose hope, Till I go the distance, And my journey is complete... GO THE DISTANCE By Michael Bolton
-talk about determination.. that's the most sincere lines i've ever heard that profoundly encapsulates a person's motivation to reach an elusive goal- whatever it may be.
>The way you touch my lips, Right after every kiss, And softly whisper, That I'm your everything, The way you pray Our love wont die, Every night just before you close your eyes. Baby when you sleep, I watched you breathing, Baby when you dream, I dream with you, Cause everywhere you are is where I wanna be, It's true everything you do, Makes me know how much I love you.... EVERYTHING YOU DO By Christian Bautista
- actually i find this cute and to a certain extent obsessive and possesive. but i guess that's how it should be, right? anything less and it would be passion-less love.
>I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky, And I'll make a wish, Take a chance, Make a change, And breakaway, Out of the darkness and into the sun, But I won't forget all the ones that I love, I'll take a risk, Take a chance, Make a change, And breakaway....Wanna feel the warm breeze, Sleep under a palm tree, Feel the rush of the ocean, Get onboard a fast train, Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)And breakaway... BREAKAWAY By Kelly Clarkson
- don't we just all want to breakaway sometimes.. i myself have never done stuff i can consider breaking away.. it'll probably take an ogre to prod me to get out of my shell. but truth be told- i sure as heck do want to breakaway from it all.. today is no excemption.....okay no need to get preachy
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
best places...
the best place to read is... on the front porch with my feet up on a stool and the sun shining bright on the flower beds.
the best place to eat is... still at the dining table at our house with my mom's scrumptuous meals hot and ready for me to gobble them all up.
the best place to swim is... any beach that is not too crowded and not murky with seaweeds and full of spiny rocks.... or any pool that is not too crowded and not too murky with other people's urine.. echhh.. ( i dont mind how deep the pool is, i can swim after all)
the best place to spend the night doing nothing is... my best friend mitch's house, of course in the company of my high school friends, a bag of chips and some soda.
the best place to watch a movie... on the couch, lying down, with the lights all dim and the remote control at the ready for rewinds ( in case there's a part worth repeating and repeating and repeating - yeh know what i mean!)
the best place to laugh is... anywhere... doesn't matter- its a spontaneous thing so...
the best place to sing is.. at church, where all the voices converge for a single purpose and not to overshadow one another like people tend to do elsewhere.
the best place to run is... around the ynares center in antipolo. one round could take like a whole 30 minutes- and that's doing a sprint!
the best place to feel liberation is.. at a park, lying on the grass and feeling the sunlight on your face as the gentle breeze sweeps your hair here and there.
the best place to talk is... at a coffee shop over a mocha frapp or hot cappuccino.
the best place to write is... inside the classroom, while the teacher is trying to explain some difficult topic you're sure you'd never understand even if you really tried... or while in transit, as the traffic gets clogged so does the pages of your notebook (never mind the shift of gears, the sudden stops and the noise they call music playing on the radio).
the best place to do something adventurous is... still my mind takes me to tanay rizal, where i first did rapel and crawl on mud...
the best place to keep secrets in is ... in my mind where no one can tamper with them however there is a downside to this, as years pass i tend to forget the names, the places, and the events that made all those memories so special... also, my treasure chest of sorts, where old letters from special and not so special people are kept.. where, tickets of concerts, plays and even stupid stuff like candy wrappers are kept..
more to follow on this.. sorry, im not done yet...